Put our experience funding thousands of successful Fix & Flip deals in Washington State to work for you.  We believe every borrower and property possesses unique advantages, so we custom tailor terms for your investment within 24 hours to match your speed, scope, strategy and exit.  We specialize in funding off-market assignment purchase transactions and regularly close in 1 to 2 weeks for all experience levels, property types and remodel budgets.

Fix and Flip Loan

Properties Types

Types of Fix and Flip Strategies


"I have borrowed from the owners of Bellevue Lending (f/k/a Bellevue Funding) for over a decade, and recommend them highly as they are the most experienced local Fix and Flip lenders that I know.
-Rob K - experienced King County real estate flipper

Take the next step

We typically fund Fix and Flip Loan Request in 1-2 weeks, as appraisals are not necessary in order to fund our loans!

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Please call us at 425-999-4480
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